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Moonstruck on the Susquehanna by Jonathan Frazier



Oil on Panel painting by Jonathan Frazier
13" x 15"

J O N A T H A N  F R A Z I E R
Painter of landscapes, performer of soundscapes....

Jonathan lives, performs, and paints in the Gettysburg and Harrisburg area.  He has a prior connection with the PHMC in the form of rendering numerous interior ink illustrations for their publication, "The First Pennsylvanians", written by Dr. Kurt Carr, head of Archeology at the time.  Handling old stone artifacts in the state's collection provided him a tangible connection to the long distant past of those along the river.  

Jonathan will also be performing live music at our Sip & Savor event on April 14. In addition to performing in a variety of venues on a variety of instruments, Jonathan is also an oil painter, showing his vibrantly colored canvases of the Susquehanna and nearby landscapes.  He also ventures to New Orleans to paint, and soak in the warmth and music.

For more information about Jonathan's upcoming art gallery exhibitions and musical performances, please visit 

Gallery Value: $400
The Minimum Bid for this Auction is $250
Current High Bid: $610

Bids below the minimum bid amount will not be accepted.

Bids close Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 11:59pm. The winning bid will be announced on Sunday, April 14, 2024.

By submitting this form, you agree that if you are the winning bidder, you will be contacted by phone for your credit card number.
Online bidding closes at 11:59pm EST on April 13, 2024. In person bidding closes at 3:30pm EST on April 14, 2024.
If we are unable to reach you by phone within 24 hours, we will move to the next highest bidder.


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