January 8, 2025
Reclamation: From Coal Dust to Hope, Artist Talk
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
In celebration of Anthracite Mining Heritage Month, we're joined by artist, Bob McCormick, to discuss his latest art exhibition, "Reclamation: From Coal Dust to Hope." McCormick says of his exhibition, "I am attempting to capture life in the Coal Region during a period that sometimes looked pretty bleak. In fact, our days were made rich by work and laughter and love burst with life." McCormick hopes that through the stories and artwork of the exhibition, we'll discover the origins of our ancestors’ path towards a life filled with Hope. During this hour-long presentation, not only will we get a glimpse at the artwork, but we'll hear directly from the artist about his inspiration and processes.
This FREE program features artist, Robert McCormick.
**This program is virtual. After registration, you will receive the Zoom link. If you do not receive the Zoom link, please reach out to Museum Educator, Nicole Negron, at nicnegron@pa.gov.