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April 6, 2025

April 6, 2025

Bushy Run Battlefield

Kids Living History: Wax Museum

Sunday, April 6, 2025
1 - 3pm

Wax Museum Guidelines for Parents and Participants

Thanks for participating in our 2025 Kids’ Living Wax Museum! This event is intended to help students build a better connection with history. For students, acting out your favorite historical figure can be fun and engaging. Don’t simply read about the way people lived in the past but embody one to truly dive into their world and share that history with others!

Choose a historical figure. This figure should have had a significant impact on the world by their words or actions, whether that impact is big or small. Your portrayal will be a celebration of that figure’s historical legacy.

Design a costume. Once you’ve chosen your historical character, do some research into what clothing that person would have worn during their lifetime or during major historical events. We want you to have fun designing these costumes. Simplicity and creativity are encouraged over extravagance. Any props must be self-contained to the wax figure. You’re creating a solitary wax figure and not a theater scene.

Prepare a speech. Participants should prepare a 1–3 minute speech about the historic figure they are portraying. The speech should include information about the figure’s life, the time in which they lived, and why they are meaningful to history. If desired, write down your outline on a notecard!

Become a museum exhibit. The Kids’ Living Wax Museum will be held on Sunday, April 6 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Participants will be given a spot in the museum to occupy like a wax figure. As visitors come through the museum, they will press a button affixed to the participant’s shoulder to “activate” their speech – just like in a wax museum! We’ll have a brief intermission at 2:00pm for participants to talk with each other and have some snacks.

Most importantly: have fun! The event is an opportunity for students to have fun, be creative, and learn history in new ways with their families. Don’t stress the speech or the costumes. If you need any help finding or researching a character, we encourage you to reach out to the museum for assistance.

For parents – the $5 registration fee (payable online or in-person) and a completed registration form guarantees your young historian a spot in the Kids’ Living History Wax Museum. Please reach out with any questions you may have!

Click here for more information

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